Terms of Service

The following are the terms of use of FridayCouponCode. These terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you and FridayCouponCode. Please review the following terms and conditions concerning your use and access to our website. By using or accessing our website and any services, you agree to be bound by the following terms and conditions. If you do not agree with these terms and conditions, you are prohibited from using our services or accessing our site.

Use of the Site
By agreeing to the terms of use, FridayCouponCode grants you a limited license to access the site and use the service for your personal use only. All the data provided here are processed by FridayCouponCode. Except as may be explicitly permitted through our site, you agree not to reproduce, transmit and adapt the contents on our site. You acknowledge and agree that you will not duplicate or sell any material or exploit our site for commercial or any other non-personal purpose without the express written permission from FridayCouponCode. We may suspend or terminate your use of our website or services if you fail to comply with any of the terms of use.

Limitation of Liability
In no event will FridayCouponCode be liable for any incidental, consequential, or indirect damages arising out of the use of or inability to use the service, or any information, or transactions provided on the service, or downloaded from the service, or any delay of such information or service, even if FridayCouponCode or its authorized representatives have been advised of the possibility of such damages, or any claim attributable to errors, omissions, or other inaccuracies in the service and/or materials or information downloaded through the service. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, the above limitation may not apply to you. In such states, FridayCouponCode‘ liability is limited to the greatest extent permitted by law.

The services are provided by FridayCouponCode. FridayCouponCode makes no representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the services or the information, content, materials, or products available via the services. You expressly agree that your use of the services is at your sole risk.
No advice or information, whether oral or written, obtained by you from FridayCouponCode or through or shall create any warranty not expressly stated in the terms of use. FridayCouponCode shall not be responsible or liable for the accuracy, usefulness or availability of any information transmitted or made available through the site, and shall not be responsible or liable for any medical, trading, investment or other decisions based on such information.

FridayCouponCode respects the privacy of our users. We attach great importance to protecting your personal information when you access our website or use our service. You can visit FridayCouponCode.com without revealing any personal identifiable information about yourself.

DMCA Policy
It is our policy to expeditiously respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement that comply with the United States Digital Millennium Copyright Act ("DMCA"). This section describes the information that should be present in these notices.
It is expected that all users of any part of the Services will comply with applicable copyright laws. If FridayCouponCode receives proper notification of claimed copyright infringement, we will remove or disable access to material claimed to be the subject of infringing activity, regardless of whether we may be liable for such infringement under applicable law.
If we remove or disable access to the Services in response to such a notice, we will make fully attempt to contact the owner or administrator of the affected site or content so that they may make a counter notification.

Third Party Sites
FridayCouponCode does not sell any good or service to consumers and nothing on this Site shall be construed as an offer to sell anything or enter into any kind of business relationship. Any purchases you make will be through other websites and from other companies. FridayCouponCode shall not be responsible for any inaccuracies, misrepresentations, product or service liability, or any liabilities resulting from the terms and conditions of other sites. FridayCouponCode does not guarantee any content on such sites or anything offered by third parties. You are knowingly and voluntarily assuming all risks of using such sites to purchase goods and services and of using the coupons, promotions, or other information listed on this Site. You agree that FridayCouponCode and its licensors and advertisers shall have no liability whatsoever from such third party sites and your usage of them. You acknowledge that FridayCouponCode is not responsible for the products, services, accuracy, copyright compliance, legality, decency, or any other aspect of the contents or any transmissions received through such sites.